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The service of a Mobile Police Department (MPD) officer is a 24/7 commitment – regardless of weather conditions. The Foundation learned that the raincoat issued at our Police Officers’ swearing-in is the same one as some 30 years ago and is poor quality at best.

Members of the MPD Command Staff have identified a raincoat that meets the specifications required so that MPD officers can protect and serve. Features include a tab to attach their shoulder microphone to the outside of upper garment, zippered access to inside of garment, reflective hi-vis coloring and POLICE lettering and this list continues. The rain gear will be considered issued equipment for MPD officers – so they would turn the rain jacket back into MPD if they leave.

With the generous support of the Community, the Mobile Law Enforcement Foundation would like to provide the MPD with raincoats for Corporals and Patrol officers. The MPD raincoats are the Foundation’s primary focus for 2025 Fundraising efforts. We are humbled by your past support and excited at the opportunity to provide our Mobile Police officers with the tools and resources they need to protect and serve to the best of their ability.

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Donation Total: $25.00